A world class booking platform trusted by world class facilities!

Interested in utilizing the power of Ice Now at your facility? Great! You came to the right place. With the assistance of being clients of some of southern Ontario’s business incubation programs such as the Forge McMaster and Edge at Sheridan College, as well as being members of Ontario’s tech incubation hubs such as Innovation Factory in Hamilton and Innovate Niagara. Our research has identified consumer frustration with many of the traditional booking processes with ice facilities world wide. Which is a large reason why we are proud to be partnered with world class ice facilities, and our partnerships are growing every day!

The answer is now here with the Ice Now Platform!

  • We did not re-invent the process of booking ice times or shooting pads, we accelerated the process, making it much more convenient for consumers, rink staff, and facility owners.

  • How? For rink staff and administrators, its as simple as uploading your available ice time slots and incorporating them with the Arena’s master schedule.

  • The Ice Now platform also provides your facility with additional free advertising to assist in securing your balance of remaining ice availability. Which translates into increased revenues for our facility partners!

Our system has been created to allow the consumer and rink staff to communicate after purchase via email, as well as upload all of your facilities; Terms and conditions, permits, waivers, and insurance documentation that the consumer acknowledges via electronic signature and is stored on the platform for your review and records.


Your ContThe Sport of Golf has drastically utilized and benefited from mobile booking applications simplifying their booking and sales process. Why? The traditional way to book can be frustrating and time consuming for the consumer. We feel Hockey as well as all ice sports should not be left behind! Here at Ice Now we believe ice sports deserve the same convenience and easy to use platform for its; Coaches’, athletes, and players of all ages.ent Goes Here

How much does Ice Now cost & how does it work?

Ice Now’s revenues are generated through a small convenience fee paid by the consumer (3.9%), similar to what golf applications charge. Our facility partners pay NOTHING and receive all the benefits from our streamlined mobile application and web platform service.